Check Your Engine!
When you feel any kind of musculoskeletal pain, this is your body's own built-in check engine alarm. It's a warning that a change in the way you move is necessary. When your body has arrived at this stage, it has exhausted all other ways to operate without pain.
At this moment, you have 3 choices: you can ignore it, block it with painkillers, or seek out help to properly analyze and correct the issue. Obviously there is only one correct answer, but we all have fallen into the first 2 choices time and time again. Sometimes we can ignore the pain and get away with it while other times, it develops into much larger and complex issues.
Once it reaches this level of dysfunction, more invasive corrective measures like surgeries and never ending prescriptive drugs are needed. How many times have we told ourselves, “if I had only…”. All of this could have been avoided by heeding our body's natural check engine warning - act on your body’s warnings and don’t wait.
Aging gracefully is often a forgotten goal while we are in our busy, active younger years. In addition to keeping an active and stimulated mind, keeping your body strong and pain free is one of the top priorities of aging gracefully. This is our insurance to be able to always have the option to do any of the physical activities we love at any age.
Listen to your body - when pain speaks, don’t ignore it. Your body is asking for help - respond with care, not silence.