ArTeva Lab: Helping a marathon Runner Overcome Hip and Hamstring Tightness

A Passionate Marathoner

Meet my patient, a dedicated runner in his forties, who was training hard for an upcoming marathon. But he faced a major hurdle: persistent tightness in the back of his hip and hamstrings that led to numbess down the back of his leg.

The Assessment

During out assessment, we uncovered the root of his problem:

  • The Piriformis muscle (back of the hip) was overworking to compensate for an underactive Gluteus Medius (side of the hip).

  • The Biceps Femoris (outer hamstring) was taking over the Semitendinosus (inner hamstring) and Adductor Magnus.

Our Targeted Approach

We designed a custom treatment for him:

  • Manual Therapy & Dry Needling to the relieve tension in the Piriformis and Biceps Femoris.

  • Neuro-Acupuncture & Corrective Exercises to activate the Gluteus Medius, Semitedinosus, and Adductor Magnus.

Immediate Results

Our runner felt a significant improvement after one session. In order to extend the session’s benefits, he continued with targeted stretches and activation exercises for a few days. Since then, he has no tightness in his hip or leg.

Back on Track

This story highlights the importance of a thorough assessment and a personalized treatment plan. Whether you’re training for a marathon or just want to move pain-free, the right approach can make all the difference.


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